Sunday, August 14, 2011

summer's over. helloooo senior year.

I lost my camera for a week. But then I found it. 
So here's some quick photos from the past monthy month.
girls night :)

my cousin and me

earrings from china, thanks irf.

powell with tarzan

grandma did their hair, side parts baby :)

splash pad with the fam & friends

menchels with mrkl

moped ride at through santa clara, last day of summa

Summer is over, and here I am pondering Senior Year. 
I have no idea...
a- what i want to go into
b- what school i want to attend
c- how to apply for college
d- how to get scholarships.

But here I am, feeling totally calm right now. I have total faith that I can do it. And I will. Will everything work out perfect? Nope. Will I get all the scholarships I apply for? Probably not. But I've seen the grade ahead of me do it, and their example seriously gives me hope and determination. 

I made 10 goals for senior year. They are hanging on the side of my nightstand dresser, so I can see them EVERY night. 

Wish me luck :) I really have a good feeling about this school year. 

Class of 2012- This is it. 
Go Warrior Nation.

1 comment:

  1. I can answer all of these questions for you!

    a-you don't need to know this for a while. Like. Until the end of your freshmen year of college. Even then, most people don't really know until the end of their sophomore year!

    b- (this ones a no brainer) BYU!! But I may be a little biased? ha but really. YOU WOULD LOVE IT HERE.

    c & D- Go talk to your councilor. Unless it's Mr. Burr. Lol. Go talk to Mrs. Wallman. She is so willing to help and can tell you about all sorts of scholarships.

    GOOD luck with everything. Exec, tennis, school, etc. You rock Snow Canyon. You're senior year will most definitely be the best one yet!
