Sunday, August 21, 2011

First Days.

In the Hafen Home, first days of school have a strict routine that has been followed for years. Here it is:

1. Wake up (from what was probably a night full of tosses and turns. I get so excited the night before school-it's like Christmas)
2. Follow smell of French Toast
3. Greet Mom with a subtle head raise (who is wearing her purple robe. She has had it since I was born I'm pretty sure)
4. Sit at counter with head on counter, tired out of your mind, waiting for Mom to finish French Toast
5. Mom asks if you want one or two. You always answer one, even though you'll have two.
Now, this year, I got a bloody nose 2 seconds after Mom gave me my French Toast. It was a heavy flowing bloody nose, so I had to take care of that business before I could proceed to eating my French Toast.
6. Eat French Toast
       a. eat crust first. all the way around.
       b. then start in on the beautiful center.
       c. drink milk
       d. ask for another french toast, because one is not enough, even though you answer "only one" every year.
7. Go in room and get dressed. (I usually allot more time than needed, so smiling in the mirror and pacing my room is what fills a lot of this time)
8. Come out all ready
 and last but not least.....
9. First Day of School Photos with your fingers corresponding to the grade you are in. See below.

5th grade
abbey -5th grade, alex- 9th

abbey 6th, alex 10th.
i was so excited for that frog shirt.
oh and nice photographing, mom.

this was the year i had been waiting for. just so i could do the 7

8th grade. Sara & me
9th grade (9 fingers..)
soph. year. almost forgot to take a picture because we were watching the boys that week

carol 12th, abbey 11th.
 and now this year. SENIOR YEAR. 

I can't believe I am a senior. Everyone says this, but high school flew by. I remember when Alex Hoskins and Melissa Willard were talking to me the Sunday before school started, me about to be a sophomore, them about to be seniors. And they told me "they feel like they were just BARELY sophomores" and I was thinking YEAH RIGHT. You guys are old, cool, seniors. But now THAT'S ME. not the cool part, but the old part. Seriously. SO CRAZY. I better live up my senior year. 

Peace & Love


  1. hahahah. I'm dying. Those pics are classic. And you're gorgeous.

    I especially liked the very first one. classic Abbey face.

  2. I LOVE THIS POST!!!!!!!!! ah Abbey you are great. Pics were priceless, bloody nose so funny, I love the routine of your first day too, it's so true everyone has little traditions they do!

  3. abbey your blog makes me laugh so hard. good work

  4. I am sitting here, reading this, when I should be packing the car, ready to drive away tomorrow. Crazy,right?

  5. i stalk your blog abbey rose hafen.

  6. Holy Moley. I'm crying from laughing at your hilarious comments on every picture. I'm sure glad to know you Arbey Hafen.

  7. the fifth grade post is priceless
