Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A sentence a day.

If you see that I pin things on Pinterest, it means one of two things:

1. I'm caught up on instagram, my texts, emails, snap chats, phone preferences, blogs, instagram again, Facebook stalking, listening to voice memos, and I've scanned through all 1,000 photos on my camera roll
or 2. I am trying to avoid an awkward situation and all of the above are completed

I'm not a huge pinner, and I rarely do the crafts I pin. RARELY. I am anti-crafty, it's sad I guess.

BUT FOLKS. I did one of my pins. And it is the greatest thing I've ever done (well that's kind of an overstatement, but whatever).

first: get index cards and a recipe box. label the index cards by DAY. (so in the end, you'll have 365 index cards)
second: label the year and write one thing that happened that day. whether it be you started your first job, cleaned out your room, or got a really great compliment that day. 
third: write down one thing every day. after a year, you will start over and start with the next year. as the years go by, you will remember that specific day however many years back.

fourth: be stoked that you are being crafty. unless this is normal for you, then just bask in your normal awesomeness.

a sentence a day. that's all.

that's all.

peace & love


1 comment:

  1. Good idea! :) Something I could actually stick to, rather than writing out an entire day in a journal.
