Sunday, September 30, 2012

Oatmeal & Brown Sugar

Right now I'm sitting on my bed, a Sunday morning, eating oatmeal with brown sugar and banana + glass of milk. I just read Alexa Leydsman's blog found here, and felt inspired. 

I've been away from home for a good while now. I've written out rent checks, paid $50 for a dang car inspection, bought tubs of ice-cream, woken up at 5AM to write an essay, worked 15 hours straight, blown $120 on a skydiving ticket, and learned valuable life lessons from patients at work. 

The skepticism of whether or not I came to the right place or not will creep in my head every once in a while... but it's safe to say that the Lord has a hand in all things, and if you trust Him, he won't leave you hangin'. I love where I am and know that I'm in the right place.

Last night we had a super random game night and it ended up being dang fun. Girls are better than boys at Catch Phrase and I was the spoons champion. I am surrounded by excellent people and am beyond grateful.

Some photos as of late:
I wear these shoes everyday. You think i'm exaggerating but I'm not. The U's campus is HUGE. no room for cheap sandals.

farmer's market

regional conference with L. Tom Perry at the conf center

so many groceries



Brigham City Temple open house

shake 'em boys!
that one BYU on the jam packed TRAX that no one would stand close to.

the infamous dinner night. this was my night

Rise and shout, the coug... oh wait. Go UTES.

Life is beautiful. 

PS- All my true traits have come out to my roommates. All of them. HOLLER.


  1. Great post abs! Can't wait to skype tonight!

  2. AHHH you are so darn cute. Thanks so much for the shout out and sweet comment on my blog! Lets all do something again soon. Hope you are living the Salt Lake City dream.
